Dazzle Her Day™
NEW & EXCLUSIVE Our dazzling bouquet is a perfect way to celebrate a rare gem in your life. Rich pink and soft lavender blooms come together, creating a beautiful medley of color. And for all-out glamour, we’ve designed it inside our jewel tone mosaic vase. Handmade in a colorful collage of luminous glass so that each one is unique, it’s the kind of gift that will catch her eye while capturing her sparkling personality.
• All-around arrangement with hot pink roses, pink dianthus, lavender Matsumoto asters and mums, purple limonium and white stock; accented with assorted greenery
• Large arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 12"W
• Medium arrangement measures approximately 16.5"H x 11.5"W
• Small arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 11"W
• Artistically designed in our exclusive new jewel tone mosaic vase, handmade with a collage of glass colors so that each one is unique; measures 8"H x 4"W
Order by 3:00 PM PST for same day pickup or delivery!
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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